Like really, do I have to hunt my desk down or can I just pretend my name's "Mark" for the rest of the semester and sit right here? Especially when there are hundreds of kids in your class. Trying to search for your name tag on all of the desks.on August 1 and stayed at the Marriott Hotel?" "Oh how was your time in Florida when you arrived at 4:36 p.m. Mentioning something to someone that no one actually told you, but you discovered on your own via stalking their social media.Then you have to awkwardly turn back around and try and find your class again. eyes pick and choose where I should go whenever they please. Even sometimes I know where my real classroom is, but my sleepy, 7:45 a.m. Going and physically sitting in the wrong classroom.The entire time they are talking you're not even listening, just trying to remember their name. Forgetting someone's name who you are in a conversation with.The awkward eye contact you make with someone after walking out of a smelly bathroom because you know they hold you responsible for the stench.Sneezing in a crowded room and not a single person says “bless you.” But then, of course, the next person who sneezes gets like 10 bless-yous and that's just not right.Forget awkwardly waving to someone you don't know, imagine going up to them and physically touching them. Hugging someone from behind because you think you know them, but it's actually just their non-related twin that is a complete stranger.(My best advice: Keep waving and act like you were waving to someone behind them so no one else sees.) Waving to someone and they don’t see you.Then you awkwardly wake from your trance-like state and realize how creepy you are. Staring blankly at someone's face and not even realizing.

Even more embarrassing than tripping going up the stairs, I'd say.

Something so simple like walking up the stairs can turn into a nightmare. (Even though the sign clearly states "pull" right in front of your face.) Pushing doors that are meant to be pulled.